Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Pool Partay

25 drunk party guests, 7 sober ones, 10 bottles of alcohol, 1 pissed off Sloth (shown in picture, hanging out right by the pool), 1 broken blender and loads of fun. Best story (I can tell) of the night was when an unsuspecting guest was walking by the pool with a fresh set of towels and was broadsided into the pool by Jenn..cause you know, that's what Jenn does! Also, gimmick for the night was to give everyone a glass with a nickname on it. Examples :
Cap'n Ass Wipe
Burn Victim
Rum Mum
Lame Dame
etc.. We still refer to each by these names today..

Tomorrow is the big day, we're not nervous, but we just found out that they are shutting the power down in the entire city from 6am - 2pm..yah in the middle of a'll be an interesting day!


Anonymous said...

I want to know what Jim's nick name was! :p

Anonymous said...

Jim's nickname was Burn Victim .. wanna guess why? :P