Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sunshine at last!!!

Hola senioras y senioritas...

So we have a bit of catching up to do. As per Sham's previous note, we arrived safe and sound 3 (?!!) days ago. The flight from Miami was delayed 3 hours and smelled of sewage when we stepped on the plane, but we survived, and got to our hotel after 15 hours total of travel.

It was cloudy and a bit rainy our first day here, but yesterday and today are GORGEOUS so we hope the weather holds. But if not.. well we’ll just have to do more drinking (see pic 3)! Pic 1 is of a cool restaurant right on the beach. Feels like you’re in the middle of the rainforest, depending on where you’re sitting.

Yesterday we sat our butts down on Playa Espillada and sunbathed for a few hours and then went kayaking. Huge bloody waves, but we made it a few kms out and around some “little” land mass (see pic #2). It was cool riding a big wave in and we almost made it right to the end but the kayak turned over and dumped us both out.

Today we moved from Hotel Verde Mar to Casa Romano. See pic #2 for the view out of our bedroom window. We’re pretty proud of ourselves for booking it and we’re sure the family and friends staying there will like it.

OK that’s it for now. We’re off to do a bit of grocery shopping and some surfing before everyone else gets in!

Adios amigos.

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